
MattressSizeDimensionsinInchesDimensionsinCentimetersKing76X80193X203.5cmOlympicQueen66X80167X203.5cmQueen60X80152X203.5cmFullXL54X80137X203.5cm,WhatAreSomeLessCommonMattressSizes?·Asmallsingleis30x75inches.·Asupersingleis48x84inches.·AfullXLis53x80inches.·AnRVQueen ...,Standardbedsizesarebasedonstandardmattresssizes,whichvaryfromcountrytocountry.Bedsizesalsovaryaccordingtothesizeanddegreeof ....

Mattress Sizes and Dimensions Chart

Mattress Size Dimensions in Inches Dimensions in Centimeters King 76 X 80 193 X 203.5cm Olympic Queen 66 X 80 167 X 203.5cm Queen 60 X 80 152 X 203.5cm Full XL 54 X 80 137 X 203.5cm

Mattress Sizes and Bed Dimensions Guide

What Are Some Less Common Mattress Sizes? · A small single is 30 x 75 inches. · A super single is 48 x 84 inches. · A full XL is 53 x 80 inches. · An RV Queen ...

Bed size

Standard bed sizes are based on standard mattress sizes, which vary from country to country. Bed sizes also vary according to the size and degree of ...

Mattress Sizes Chart & Bed Dimensions Guide

The six standard mattress sizes in order of smallest to largest are: Twin: 38-by-75 inches; Twin XL: 38-by-80 inches; Full: 54-by-75 inches; Queen: 60-by-80 ...

Mattress Size Chart

Here is a mattress size chart that lists all current standard size, antique size, RV/camper size, waterbed size, and European size mattresses. Mattress ...

Mattress Sizes: Single, Double, Queen, King & Super King

Our guide tells you all the standard sizes, the actual size of mattress may vary due to the nature of soft furnishing products and construction methods.

2025 Hong Kong Mattress Size & Dimensions Guide

A single mattress is 3 feet (91 cm), a double mattress is 4 feet (122 cm), a full mattress is 4 feet 6 inches (137 cm), a queen mattress is 5 feet (152 cm) and ...

How to choose bed size ?

At IKEA, our bed frames, mattresses and beddings are in European sizes. We recommend you choose the products in the same series range for maximum safety and ...

Bed & Mattress Size Guide in Australia

Our Australian mattress sizes guide compares King (183cm x 203cm), Queen (152cm x 203cm), Double (138cm x 190cm), Singles (91cm x 190cm) & more.